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Stay Safe Online and Beware of Scammers

Home Blog Stay Safe Online and Beware of Scammers

The way we conduct our daily lives and banking has changed greatly over the last year. With less person to person contact and more transactions occurring online, scammers are working harder now more than ever to trick unsuspecting people to give confidential information. 

Please take special care when online with your computer or mobile device and never share your online banking information with anyone! If you suspect that your information has compromised or used without your knowledge, please contact your local branch immediately. We will assist with securing your banking information and ensuring your financial safety. 

Our website has valuable resources with important Security Tips which will guide you to keeping your online presence safe. Also, check out the Cybersecurity information provided about the Covid-19 pandemic and Fake Security alert popups. All of this information can be found on our website under the "Resources" tab and clicking on the "Security Tips" button or by clicking the button below.